The past few days I’ve felt like this.

GLENN CLOSE, FATAL ATTRACTION, 1987 Stock Photo - AlamyBut today I feel like this.

Annie the classic musical lands in San Jose

Well this whole fraud crap and fake publishing contracts thing had me in a froth.  Lo and behold, the sun came out and I cracked the code.  The agent I’d been dealing with was named Amanda Lewis.  Well the little tart signed the contract Amanda Willis.  So it explains while I could never clearly track her on Linked In or any social media.  Today a friend looked at it and immediately noticed and googled Amanda Willis instead of Amanda Lewis.  Guess what?  

FRAUDSTER.  A NOTORIOUS ONE.  Hey if you’re gonna get stiffed, aim high and get the top shelf hooch.

Here’s where it really gets interesting.  So the contract was legit.  The agent wasn’t, which meant she could have profited from the commission etc and possibly could have gone further as the wrong identity was being utilized.

So tomorrow, I talk to the real acquisitions person from the publisher whose name was correct but who knows if her signature was.  I have zero expectations but she needs to know someone is possibly impersonating her.  It’s all so Trumpy!  

The end result?  I don’t care but I finally know the whole story and as corny as it sounds, once you know the truth it never hurts as much as lingering in the dark.  I mean look at Glenn Close.